About Cynthia Rivard

Cynthia Rivard is a spiritual teacher, business advisor and environmental advocate. Having come into a spiritual awakening later in life, she has a keen awareness of religious paradigms and cultural perceptions of new age concepts. Instead of aligning with any one of those narratives, she teaches a timeless wisdom that has been diluted over the ages.  There is a golden thread of truth woven throughout all of the world’s religions and cultures; and it is this golden thread that underpins her teachings and will help us to create the next chapter for humanity – the Golden Era.

Through a meteoric upleveling of channeling skills, Cynthia has become a crystal clear seer for awakening humanity to the next chapter of its evolution. Raising consciousness and saving humanity from extinction due to the effects of climate change are the first priority, which she illuminates in book one of the Golden Era Creation Series.

With a long career in executive leadership, Cynthia believes in the power of heart centered communication and egoless leadership to drive improvements in society. When the world is only governed by individuals who focus on the good for all, the earth will come to know peace, prosperity and a healthy environment. This concept is a focal point of her soon to be released book – Hope for a New Era: Turning the Tide, Love and Leadership Through Turbulent Times.

You can learn more about the purpose driven, conscious leaders community she founded that is raising consciousness and contributing to end global warming at: globalrisingtide.org.

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