A Collapse of a Strategic Alliance
Partnerships and alliances are critical to the success of all groups. You would be hard pressed to find a business, community endeavor or family that functions well without relying on at least a few strategic partners. And like every type of relationship, over time the luster can wear and the relationship is taken for granted. This can happen in a marriage that loses love or trust, or a vendor who forgets to value your business and so you take it elsewhere.
And so it is with the United States and Canada. A strategic alliance was born between these two governments a century ago, in deference to their proximity and ability to provide support and resources to each other. It started with loosening border policies to enable commerce and expanded to a trade agreement that benefited both the governments, businesses and their citizens who were end consumers of those business products.
A Relationship in Trouble
A partnership or alliance can’t be created without there being perceived value in it for both (or all) sides. The current US executive administration has lost sight of the value it once saw in a strategic alliance with its neighbors. The value didn’t disappear, it just became taken for granted. And then greed, one of the most bae of human emotions, was allowed to question its value and demand new terms. Greed is insidious and springs from a lack mindset and a human instinct to hoard. Hoarding is one of our survival instincts which no longer serves us. Squirrels hoard nuts in anticipation of a sparse winter. It is not an appropriate response for governments, however, and yet here we are.
Nations hoard their resources and attempt hostile takeovers of other nations when greed is allowed to reign. The greed and selfishness of a dictator or ruling class is what has always created tyranny.
The advent of the current storm between Canada and the United States could have been predicted. President Trump idolizes Putin who is a ruthless dictator and has legitimized a hostile takeover of another country for additional resources. Narcissists and dictators have no respect for human life or pre-existing agreements and alliances. It is all about what they want at the time which is usually more power, wealth and resources.
Starting a trade war with Canada and other long time strategic partners and allies of the United States is greasing the path to withdrawal from any such agreements and creating reasons for disagreements that Trump hopes will validate his future betrayals and/or hostile takeovers.
Neighbors do not start disagreements with friends unless there is an ulterior motive. One can presume that President Trump would not send the US economy and stock market into a tailspin without an ulterior motive.
Based on his track record of unethical and illegal business dealings, most discerning adults will come to the same conclusion, which is that he started an economic war with Canada – plummeting the economy and his own approval ratings – because he had something of more value that he hoped to gain.
Making enemies of long time friends doesn’t make sense if their is still value in the relationship, until a greedy dictator determines a way to find “more value” for his own ends.
This is not a chess game and the US economy is not a disposable pawn to be given up for the queen (or a land grab). If you are in the US and have concerns, write or call every Republican lawmaker in your area and state. Swaying the pendulum of that party back to ethical politics and business practices is the only path forward and the “opposing party” can’t accomplish it – it requires an inside job.
The US has freedoms which include the freedom of our beliefs. This should not include, however, the freedom to abdicate ethical behavior or strategies that are in the best interest of all rather than the few with wealth and influence.